Questions & Answers
© 2012 RFP Independent Consulting, LLC
Does this referral service cost me anything?

No. This referral service is absolutely free. It is provided by a fellow consultant within the “underground network” of consultants.

How do I know the Consultant referred to me is qualified and can do the job I present to them?

This is a referral service. You will be provided with the Consultant’s contact information, a basic summary of their skills and it will be up to you to contact the consultant directly and to determine if you would like to enter into a contract with them. The consultant will be provided your contact information as well.

How did this referral service begin?

A group of highly qualified consultants that have worked together for years on major Federal proposals have also referred one another to various opportunities as they have occurred. It is common place for consultants to refer one another. In today’s economy, it is important for us to find leads on opportunities anyway we can. The Internet seemed like a perfect fit.

How much does a typical independent consultant charge for their assistance?

These highly qualified and experienced consultants are usually paid $80 - $125 an hour through agencies they are currently working. As an Independent Consultant, most consultants charge approximately $10 - $20 an hour more than their usual rate. This extra amount covers their self-employment taxes, personal health insurance, and other costs such as liability insurance.

Will a consultant that lives in one state be willing to travel to another for an assignment?

These consultants are professionals. It is common for them to be on the road for long periods of time (95% travel is normal). Should you need a consultant to be onsite, you can work out the details when you initially speak with them.

How are expenses covered when a consultant is on the road working a project?

Usually consultants pay for their expenses up front and then file for reimbursement through the company they are currently working at based on Government current Per Diem rates for that geographical area.

Must my company pay or reimburse expenses for a consultant?

It is customary for a company to pay for a consultant’s living expenses when on the road. However, if your company is unable to pay expenses, it is your responsibility to work out this detail when creating your initial agreement/contract with the consultant. Many consultants are willing to increase their flat rate slightly and work out paying their expenses on their own, however, it is customary for companies to pay for consultants’ expenses and some consultants will refuse the proposed project if expenses are not covered by the company hiring them.

Are independent consultants willing to work a project remotely to avoid the costs of having them onsite?

Yes. Once again, this is a detail you can work out when considering a consultant for a project. If you are unsure if the job can be handled remotely, the qualified consultant you are referred to can easily evaluate your project quickly and determine what amount of time will be needed for them to work onsite.

How do I verify an independent consultant’s security clearance?

Your company should have their Facility Security Officer (FSO) or individual in charge of Security for that organization check the security clearance status by contacting the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) or the Security and Investigations Index (SII). This is easily done.

How often within a project will an independent consultant expect payment for their services or expect to be reimbursed for expenses?

It is customary to pay an independent consultant, at minimum, bi-weekly. These individuals work for themselves and do not have the capability to carry large amounts of expenses or to wait for payment of services for a long period of time. Though agencies will bill out to organizations on a monthly basis, these same agencies see that their consultants are paid or reimbursed either weekly or bi-weekly and are able to carry a large amount of debt. Individuals can not do this. You can work out the details of payment for services and/or reimbursement of expenses with the consultant referred to you during negotiations and the signing of a contract.

Should you have any other questions, please select the “Contact Us” button and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.